Emmanuel - Local Ecumenical Partnership
The congregations of St. Ambrose Pendleton (CofE) formerly of Liverpool Street, and Salford Methodist Community Church formerly from Fitzwarren Street have joined together and are now worshipping in their new purpose built Emmanuel Church & Centre on Langworthy Road. You can buy term papers online on similar topics and receive a finished project in a short time.
The New Church was officially opened on Saturday 4th July 2015 by Rt Revd Chris Edmundson, Bishop of Bolton, Diocese of Manchester and Revd Dr Keith Davies, Chair of Manchester and Stockport District of the Methodist Church.
Address- 174, Langworthy Road, Salford M6 5PN
Contact details-
The Revd. Charlie Gorton Team Vicar 43 Derby Road Weaste M6 5YD
The Revd. Clare Stainsby Associated Methodist Minister
Worship & Fellowship Sunday 11:15am - Holy Communion/Morning Worship (alternate Sundays) Sunday 1:00pm - Zion Church Monday 8:30pm - Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday 1:30pm - Tuesday Fellowship Friday 7:30pm - TGI Friday (fortnightly housegroup) Saturdays 12:30pm - Tamil Faith Church of God
Community Groups Monday 6:30pm - Boys' Brigade and girls Association (5 to 16 yrs) Tuesday 9:30am - Slimming World Tuesday 10:30am- Curling Club Tuesday 11:00am - 3:30pm - Home-from-Home Social Club inc. -Lunch, Bingo, Healthy Hearts & Hips and Modern Sequence Dancing Tuesday 6:30pm - Guides & Brownies Wednesday 10:00am to 3:00pm - Rainbow Haven (Refugee & Asylum Seeker Centre) Thursday 7:30pm - Tae Kwan Do (aged 5 yrs & over) Friday 11:00 to 3:30pm - Home-from-Home Social Club inc. Arts and Crafts Session, Lunch, Bingo and Dancing Friday 6:00pm - SPARKY Youth Club Fridays 7:00pm St. John Ambulance (member only organisation) Saturday 10:00am - GKR Karate (aged 4 Yrs & over) Saturday 10:00am (monthly) - Church Coffee Morning
We also have an Emmanuel Gardening Group at the moment concentrating on obtaining funding for the Church Garden and Centre Forecourt.
For more info check out this Methodist page
How to book baptism/ weddings - Contact Any of the clergy
The Old St Ambrose St Ambrose Church was built in 1910 to replace a previous tin church. It was burnt out during the second world war but was reconsecrated in 1956. It served the community well over the years but the congregation are currently now in a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) with Salford Methodist Community Church.
You can now find us on Facebook @ Salford All Saints Team Ministry
Find us on a map View the Parish Boundaries.